The sky is your limit… Do not trust people that are trying to put you off.
She is a group leader at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association in Berlin, leading the Stem Cell Modeling of Development and Disease laboratory. She is an expert in the field of central nervous system development and stem cell research. She uses human pluripotent stem cells to create three-dimensional cell structures called organoids: miniature, simplified organ-like structures grown in a lab dish that closely resemble aspects of human organs. She is one of the pioneers in the development of organoids for the study of neuromuscular diseases. She was selected by EMBO for the Young Investigator Program and was awarded the European Research Council Consolidator Grant in 2020 and a ERC Proof of Concept Grant in 2023. She has an interest in communicating stem cell research to the public using a combination of science, art and literature.
Photo: Berlin - Germany. 2019. The canvas is from the exhibition: “Stem Cell Metamorphosis”
by Mina Gouti.
Photo: Berlin - Germany. 2019.
Alles ist möglich.
Vertraue nicht denjenigen,
die versuchen, dich zu entmutigen.
Mina Gouti ist Gruppenleiterin am Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft in Berlin und leitet das Labor für Stammzellmodellierung von Entwicklung und Krankheit. Sie ist eine Expertin auf dem Gebiet der Entwicklung des Zentralen Nervensystems und der Stammzellforschung. Aus menschlichen pluripotenten Stammzellen erzeugt sie dreidimensionale Zellstrukturen, sogenannte Organoiden: kleine, vereinfachte, organähnliche Strukturen, die in Laborschalen wachsen und bestimmte Aspekte menschlicher Organe sehr genau nachbilden. Sie gehört zu den Pionieren in der Entwicklung von Organoiden zur Erforschung neuromuskulärer Erkrankungen. Sie wurde von der EMBO für das Young Investigator Program ausgewählt und erhielt 2020 den European Research Council Consolidator Grant sowie 2023 einen ERC Proof of Concept Grant. Sie vermittel der Ö! entlichkeit die Stammzellforschung auf kreative Weise, indem sie Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur miteinander verbindet.
Foto: Berlin - Deutschland. 2019
Il tuo confine è il cielo... Non fidarti delle persone che cercano di scoraggiarti!
È group leader alla guida del laboratorio Stem Cell Modeling of Development & Disease presso il Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), che fa parte dell’Associazione Helmholtz a Berlino. È un'esperta nel campo dello sviluppo del sistema nervoso centrale e della ricerca sulle cellule staminali. È tra i pionieri nello sviluppo e nell’utilizzo degli organoidi (strutture cellulari miniaturizzate e semplificate simili a organi coltivate in laboratorio) basati su cellule staminali pluripotenti umane per lo studio di malattie neuromuscolari. Nel 2020 ha ottenuto il prestigiosoEuropean Research Council Consolidator Grant dal Consiglio Europeo della Ricerca e nello stesso anno è stata selezionata da EMBO per il Young Investigator Program, il programma di sostegno a giovani ricercatori europei.
Foto: Berlino - Germania. 2019.